Rating: 77
Created: 24 Disember 2024
Account currency: USD Platform: MT5

Strategi PAMM US 2x and 3x etfs tech analysis


Strategy yield US 2x and 3x etfs tech analysis

General info

Ekuiti: 249.30 USD

Investors: 0

Current yield: 0.00 %

Manager's capital: 249.30 USD

Managers's fee: 15.00 %

Jenis akaun: MT5 Global

Server: Just2Trade-MT5

Set leverage: 50

Keuntungan untuk tempoh tersebut

All Time: 0.00 %

Year: %

Setengah tahun: %

Quarter: %

Bulan: %

Minggu: 0.00 %

Day: 0.00 %

US 2x and 3x etfs tech analysis profitability by months

Average Yield

Average Yield (Setiap minggu): 0 %

Average Yield (Bulanan): 0 %

Yield deviation (Harian): 0 %

Yield deviation (Bulanan): 0 %

Yield deviation (Tahunan): 0 %